Functions in C: Functions with Inputs but No Return Values

Okay, let’s assume we need to create a function for adding two numbers. We want to add two numbers using a user-defined function.

Take a look at 7. Our add() function will do the summation task on 2 inputs. On which inputs? On a and b, that’s why we put them in the first parentheses of the function add(a,b) so that the function can understand these 2 integer values are the inputs.

But up to this point the program does not know how this add() works. So let’s create a function definition a body of a function.

As our function needs to work with 2 integer values, we need to inform this in the function body. That’s what we did at line 3 inside the parentheses: declaring num1 and num2 as integers. Now the a and b will be treated as num1 and num2 respectively, inside add() function body/block (from lines 4 to 7)

The void keyword at line 3 is used because the function does not return any value to the scope (here main() ) from where it was called.

From line 4 to 7, we just did the summation and print the values

When the program execution encounters the } at line 7, it returns to the next line from where it was called.

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So that’s all. Thank you.