So, we have covered the basics of C structure. Now let’s move on to a little more advanced topic: how C structure can be accessed with pointers.

Look at the code. What are the changes you have found? Let me help
At Line 44, to use pointer, we just wrote player *ptr = &player1; to store address of player1 in ptr pointer. Is it hard to get? I guess no, as this is the common way to use pointer.
Basic 1: When you are dealing with struct pointers, to access struct members, just use -> instead of dot (.) we used earlier while dealing with struct variables.
That’s why we wrote ptr->name and ptr->age in line 45, 46, and 47 to access the member variables.
Basic 2: (*ptr) is equivalent to player1
(*ptr) is nothing but player1 (Just same as the pointer story). When dealing with (*ptr), do not forget to access the members with dot(.) operator. That’s what I did at line 50.
So in final words, look at the following:
ptr->name //valid
ptr->age // valid // not valid, as ptr is a struct pointer
ptr.age //not valid, as ptr is a struct pointer //valid
player1.age //valid
(*ptr)->name // not valid, as (*ptr) is a struct variable
(*ptr)->age //not valid, as (*ptr) is a struct variable
(*ptr).name // valid
(*ptr).age //valid
Finally, take a look at the output

I hope you have got it. Thanks!